
De Paul Catholic School Kamulu is a Catholic sponsored mixed private day school running in accordance with Ministry of Education requirements. The school follows the 8.4.4 education system and the newly introduced CBC system.

Learning approach

To achieve excellence in the children’s learning experience, a child centered approach is adopted. We enable the learners to enjoy living and learning through play. We provide enough learning and play materials such as Toys, Number puzzles, locally available learning resources, flash cards, charts and cut outs which enables the learner to enjoy group activities hence enhanced peer learning.

We also foster development of learner’s self – awareness, self – esteem and self – confidence. The learners are enabled to express themselves freely through Oral activities, free conversation, news telling, and storytelling, rhymes, discussions and poems/verse recitation. This is achieved through pairing and group work activities.

Message from the principal

Our dedicated teachers attend keenly to the need of every pupil to ensure no child is left out or behind. We place further emphasis on nutrition, providing a balanced diet. Transportation is available to learners living within the school’s vicinity. Every care is taken to ensure your child’s safety; including regular safety training for drivers and insurance. It is our firm belief that given the opportunity, we will teach your child’s mind and touch his/her heart.

De Paul Catholic School Kamulu is a Catholic sponsored mixed private day school running in accordance with the Ministry of Education